Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lots of Photos - Beijing and Seoul

So I know I've been pretty bad about keeping up with writing blog posts, but I'm still taking and posting plenty of photos. In the past week I've added about 150 pictures from Beijing and Seoul. Since I don't pay for Flickr, I can only display the most recent 200 photos at any one time, so I suggest you take a look at the new pics while you can.

But as I alluded to, I just got back from a trip to Seoul, South Korea during our National Holiday break. It was AWESOME. I seriously think I fell in love with Seoul, to the point that I can see myself living there for an extended period of time. (In contrast, while I'm greatly enjoying China, I can already tell I wouldn't want to live here again. At least, not in Shijiazhuang or Beijing.) I definitely intend on making a big post about all that I did in Seoul (which included some great food, hanging out in some cool parts of the city, and a DMZ tour where I saw North Korea with my own eyes). But, for now, take a look at the pics above to get a sense of the trip.